Friday, August 24, 2007

A cohiba before i leave-a

After much a-do over all those years - and too much mention of my having far too many leaving parties for any one man to respectably have - I finally got out of Hanoi.

But what happens next?

Amsterdamage - that's what!

There's only one way to find out what's beyond the weed and the mayonaise - so bookmark now and stay tuned!

Thanks to all who came to the ultimate farewell, especially those that didnt make it home for days after.

Here's to ya!

Highlights of the evening included Master Dockery's single track DJ session. Nice!

P.S. - if you want a copy of the smokey animated gif (it's bigger and much less grainy) - just right mouse click and hit 'save image as' and you'll be sweet.

1 comment:

pittstop designer said...

Hello good life ... or should I say
"het goede leven"?

Tot de volgende tijd Mr. kung fu!
